Major insurance company expresses confidence in Aura: to invest over ILS 70 million in issuance of bonds and share options
Aura has commenced marketing for the HaTayasim Tel Aviv project. Project revenues are expected to reach approximately ILS 155 million with an anticipated gross profit of approximately ILS 29 million. In line with the company’s strategy, it intends to conduct early sales of at least 30% of the marketed residential units and subsequently commence the project’s construction
Transfer of The Phoenix’s financial commitment for two initial projects totaling approximately ILS 120.5 million
The Phoenix and Aura deal is underway: The Phoenix has provided equity for two projects and directed a cash flow of ILS 120.5 million to Aura. In the coming year it is expected to complete equity in two additional projects with approximately ILS 230 million, for a cumulative total of approximately ILS 350 million