סמל של דן אנד ברדסטריט בצבע זהב עם שתי גבעולים עם עלים אשר יוצרים עיגול
סמל מדד התחדשות עירונית ל2023 החברות המובילות בפינוי בינוי ותמ"א 38- אאורה ישראל
Last Price: ₪24.10
Change:: 1.47%
Last Update:19-01-2025 15:49

The foremost and largest company in Israel specializing in urban renewal and the construction of residential neighborhoods

256 Million ₪
Net Profit, 30 September 2024
Equity to CAP, Net
1.25 Billion ₪
Equity attributable to the company
4.5 Billion ₪

Gross profit recognized on 25 projects in construction and marketing, and 13 projects to be launched this year

787 Apartments Sold

Approximately ILS 1.5 Million (including VAT) in apartment sales from the beginning of 2024

109,599 Square Meters
Commercial spaces, offices, and rental apartments under construction
* All data is correct as of 30.9.2024

strategic partners

לוגו של כלל ביטוח ופיננסים שותפים אסטרטגיים של אאורה - הלוגו בצבעים כחול בהיר וכחול ככה
לוגו של הפניקס שותפים אסטרטגיים של אאורה - הלוגו בצבע כחול ככה עם סימן V כתום.

Aura Facing the Future


Dividend distribution every six months, up to 25% of net profit. Inventory of 50,000 apartments by the end of the year


Rating A – an upgrade of the company’s ratings and bonds in the cycle with a gross profit margin of at least 20% of annual profit of at least ILS 250 million starting in 2023


Sale of 1,000 apartments annually.  70,000
apartments in stock until the end of the year


Anticipated future NOI (Net Operating Income) of approximately ILS 70 million.

Yaacov Atrakchi: “The Future Lies in Urban Renewal and the Construction of Entire Residential Neighborhoods”

The age of the National Outline Plan must come to an end, the notion of the “recalcitrant tenant” is out-of-place, and the avenue for change lies in interlinking projects between the central regions and the periphery. As we approach the upcoming year: Aura Israel’s CEO focuses on thoughtful urban renewal.

יעקב אטרקצ’י - בעלים ומנכ”ל של אאורה ישראל

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